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We put a lot of effort into this @eigenlayer Guide. We will discuss Restaking Strategies, what Operators and AVSs are, what differs @eigenlayer from @eigen_da , the relationship to #Cosmos and last but not least, we will cover the eagerly awaited Eigenlayer #Airdrop .

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Autonity Dashboard

Autonity Dashboard

Hey all @autonity_ lovers out there - especially those who participate in the Picadilly Testnet! We just released our Dashboard which gives you deep insights what's happening on-chain!

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Berachain On-Chain Analysis

Berachain On-Chain Analysis

Everybody is talking about @berachain - but is there someone out using the fresh launched $BERA testnet? We took a look and compared the on-chain activity of the Polaris EVM vs. the big boy out there: #ethereum .

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Berachain Proof of Liquidity

Berachain Proof of Liquidity

This is the Bera Era!! Let's take a deep dive into how @berachain 's Proof of Liquidity works, and explore who might emerge as the winner in this masterpiece of game theory.

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Berachain Testnet

Berachain Testnet

Just witnessed the magic of nature: the beras are emerging from their winter slumber! @berachain just launched their first public testnet and we are proud to be a Genesis Validator! Explore more at https://berachain.com

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DYDX dashboard release

DYDX dashboard release

Did you already analyse the most successful traders on #DYDX with our P&L Leaderboard https://dydx.daic.capital ? We have some updates for you, which give you more insights on what's happening on the @dYdX chain! - Richlist for dYdX and all tokens - Search for your bridge tx

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SEI Airdrop on-chain analysis

SEI Airdrop on-chain analysis

The @SeiNetwork launch ushered in one of the most keenly awaited airdrops in recent months From pure excitement to wild airdrop strategies, the event wasn't without its share of hiccups, leaving disappointed community members We took a closer look...

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SEI mainnet launch

SEI mainnet launch

We are proud to be part of the @SeiNetwork genesis validator set. $SEI is a new layer 1 blockchain launched in the @cosmos ecosystem. Support @danku_zone w/ DAIC by staking with us: https://app.sei.io/stake/seivaloper1ykls6dhh2mjqk9x0d3ee29873stf7wwvedcjmh

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Terra Luna depag - what happend onchain?

Terra Luna depag - what happend onchain?

Probably everybody in the #crypto space already knows: the #TerraLuna blockchain had huge troubles yesterday... Let's reflect what happened and have a look together on some on-chain metrics! #blockchain #TerraUSD

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Terra on-chain analysis (Apr 2022)

Terra on-chain analysis (Apr 2022)

It's been a while since we did the last on-chain analysis about the #TerraLuna Blockchain. So, let's have a look how things have evolved. Time for a 🧵! #cryptocurrency #blockchain

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Terra NFT analysis (Jan 2021)

Terra NFT analysis (Jan 2021)

The #LUNAtics are on and want to see some #NFT on-chain analysis, so we decided to publish a new one about the NFT-ecosystem on the #Terra blockchain.

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Apollo DAO Sale on-chain analysis

Apollo DAO Sale on-chain analysis

Yesterday the @ApolloDAO sale took place on the #Terra blockchain. Today we provide you a new on-chain analysis ! This time we'll focus on bots: - Before the sale / Fees of bots - How bots influence price

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Terra CW20 Token richlist release

Terra CW20 Token richlist release

How to prevent getting dumped on by whales on @terra_money ? Use our newest community tool where we provide a richlist for every CW20 token on #TerraLuna ! https://tokens.daic.capital

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Terra on-chain analysis (Nov 2021)

Terra on-chain analysis (Nov 2021)

In today's #TerraLuna on-chain analysis we'll find out what's happening in the Terra Universe. We'll focus on version columbus-5.

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Kujira IDO on-chain analysis

Kujira IDO on-chain analysis

A quick on-chain data analysis of the current @TeamKujira IDO on @StarTerra_io Nice numbers! Check it out and let me know if you want to see more of those analysis, or a dedicated website to track more ongoing stuff on Terra

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Randomearth NFT tracker

Randomearth NFT tracker

@terrawhales congrats to the launch! Whales are already live on the ntf-tracker: https://nft-tracker.daic.capital/offers/terra1jdt2wnfhgy4ptk6m5kxacyj0k6e8rc7e2ugulz… Still working on the rarity and rank.

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