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Archway (ARCH) Staking

Stake ARCH to earn staking rewards and secure the Archway network.

Stake now

Staking Stats

Reward Rate (APR)
≈ 19.15%
Reward Frequency
every block
Lockup Period
DAIC Commission
Staked with us
255 ARCH

ARCH Rewards

The staking reward for ARCH is currently estimated at 19.15% per year. ARCH rewards are awarded every block by the Archway network. The minimum lockup period is 21d.

ARCH Staking Calculator

Staked ARCH
Earnings at
19.15% APR
342.8 ARCH equals $15.2
4.1K ARCH equals $181.9

Stake ARCH with Coinage x DAIC

Stake your ARCH with Coinage x DAIC, a leading validator with a proven track record of successfully managing blockchain infrastructure over several years, DAIC.capital has securely attracted over 33,137 unique stakers and holds more than $112.7M in total value staked across 43 chains. This impressive milestone not only demonstrates our wide-ranging expertise but also reflects the deep trust the community places in our stewardship.